If I had known when I started writing what we teach in this seminar, everything I’ve written would be much better than it is. I also think that those who apply what we teach in this seminar can go from having almost no chance of getting published to having a very good chance.

—Rick Joyner

Christians—people who know and serve the greatest creator there is, the Creator Himself—should be the most creative people on earth. We are committed to seeing this become a reality. Our goal is to see Christian writing become the best and most compelling in the world. This seminar will help those who feel called to this, but don’t know how to get started, as well as help those who have been very successful go to a new level.




Couple Registration*


*Couple Registration use code: COUPLE

Guest meals (spouses not participating) at $250/person
Meals and lodging included
Attendance limited to 30 people


Rick Joyner

Founder of MorningStar Ministries

Rick Joyner has authored more than seventy books, including The Christian Duty to Resist Tyranny, The Final Quest Trilogy, Overcoming Evil in the Last Days, The Second American Revolution/Civil War, and Marxism’s Strategy for Destroying America. He is the Founder of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization known around the world.

Rick Joyner

Debbie Joyner


Debbie Joyner worked for thirteen years as MorningStar Publications’ managing editor. She has published three books—Write to Ignite, Pathway to Purpose, and The Chosen Path. Debbie lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina and delights in spending time with her children and grandchildren.

Debbie Joyner


Moravian Falls Retreat Center

158 Morning Light Dr,
Moravian Falls, NC 28654

Google Maps

For shuttle service between Charlotte International Airport the MorningStar Lodge at Moravian Falls, contact Starlight Shuttles (704-577-5319 or 802-272-5266)

For local car rentals, contact Enterprise at 800-736-8222 or online. Use the MorningStar account number L53W367 and the corporate code MOR to receive a discount.)